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Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6T usada a la ventaTractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6T usada a la venta

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Desired Machinery: Dozers/tracks    /    Caterpillar    /    D6T    /    1464300901282128
General Information
3,307 hrs.
Main Phone:
1 (989) 662 8448
Secondary Phone:
1 604 437 8830
(55) 5350-8566
Cell Phone:
(55) 1510-8955
Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6T usada a la venta Ref.: 1464300901282128 No. 1
Machine in Hotlist
Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6T usada a la venta Ref.: 1464300901282128 No. 1
Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6T usada a la venta Ref.: 1464300901282128 No. 2
Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6T usada a la venta Ref.: 1464300901282128 No. 3
Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6T usada a la venta Ref.: 1464300901282128 No. 4
Location of the Machine
The Machine is Located at: Iowa, U.S.A.
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From: Iowa, U.S.A.
Platform Type:
Shipping Insurance:
 Si      No
Price of the Machine: $ 197,010.00 USD
Shipment to U.S.A.: (From Iowa to Florida) 4,002.00 USD
Total: (*) $ 201,012.00 USD
Note: APPROXIMATE Quotation and valid mainly for machines not oversized, ONE-PIECE.
Technical Specifications of the Machine
CAB.. AIR CONDITIONER. SHORT DRAWBAR.D6T XWVP. SYSTEM ONE U-C. 6VPAT XW BLADE. SCRAPER HYDRAULICS. listo para trabajar. HEAT. ACCUGRADE READY. Todas nuestras maquinas se entregan con seguro. Excelentes condiciones
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