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Cargadoras Sobre Ruedas Deere 544J usada en buen estadoCargadoras Sobre Ruedas Deere 544J usada en buen estado

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Desired Machinery: Wheel Loaders    /    Deere    /    544J    /    1452298117732752
Machine of 4
General Information
18,027 hrs.
Main Phone:
1 (989) 662 8448
Secondary Phone:
1 604 437 8830
(55) 5350-8566
Cell Phone:
(55) 1510-8955
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Cargadoras Sobre Ruedas Deere 544J usada en buen estado Ref.: 1452298117732752 No. 1
Machine in Hotlist
Cargadoras Sobre Ruedas Deere 544J usada en buen estado Ref.: 1452298117732752 No. 1
Cargadoras Sobre Ruedas Deere 544J usada en buen estado Ref.: 1452298117732752 No. 2
Cargadoras Sobre Ruedas Deere 544J usada en buen estado Ref.: 1452298117732752 No. 3
Cargadoras Sobre Ruedas Deere 544J usada en buen estado Ref.: 1452298117732752 No. 4
Location of the Machine
The Machine is Located at: North Dakota, U.S.A.
Quote this machine to your destination
Sold Price: $ 59,400.00 USD
Contact IMCMEXICO for additional information of similar machinery. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Technical Specifications of the Machine
. CAB-AC-HEAT | AIR SEAT | CLOTH SEAT | HYDRO TRANS | DUAL DIFF | 20.5X25 | RADIALS | 3.0 YD | GP BKT | BOE | Q CPLR JD | AUX HYD | 1LVR | RTD | RTC | RC | DRAWBAR | SIDE GUARDS | BTM GUARDS | MULTI-PIECE RIM | RADIO | STEERING-WHEEL. . listo para trabajar.Gran condicion. Si encontraste una maquina en subasta te la llevamos
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Machine of 4
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