Quotation and Acquisition of Used Machinery
Phase I: Equipment pre-availability (free of charge) |
Objective: To generate a list of equipment related to the request of the client.
Generates a list of machines he is interested on for IMCMEXICO to check their availability
Generates a machine request in which he determines the parameters of the machine needed
In order to obtain the list, the client can use the system's search engine and then browse the catalogue to select the machines that interest him. He can select them by activating the button "Generate my machine list"; in which will appear all the machines that IMCMEXICO. will investigate for him |
Analyzes the list and the request of machinery generated by the client.IMCMEXICO. contacts the client mainly to guide him in the use of the system, providing him with broader information so he has more choices. Our company adds other machines that fulfill the requirements showed in the request,
generating a more complete list with more options. This broader list is also sent to the customer by e-mail, so he can have more option to choose from.
Phase II: Equipment availability |
Objective: To find out what machines are totally available, meaning not rented or requested by somebody else.
During a second visit to the system, the client enters to "see my machine list", which is the result of the list generated by the user in Phase I plus the equipment added by IMCMEXICO. according to the parameters showed in the client's request.
The client eliminates the equipment he is not interested in, leaving only those machines he plans to send to the "Generate my list of available machinery"
Contacts suppliers to check whether the machines selected by the client are available or not.IMCMEXICO. eliminates from the list the equipments that, for any reason, are not longer available, adding other similar machines that the client might be interested in.. That list is also sent to the client by e-mail.
In this phase the client obtains the updated availability of each piece selected. |
Fase IV: Pursuit of the Project of Purchase |
Objective: Pursuit of the Projects of Purchase. Definitive quotation
Whenever the client enters the module of "Project of Purchase," he will see the messages sent to him by IMCMEXICO Thanks to the interactivity provided by the system, he will be also able to send his requirements or observations related to the requested machine(s).
The client pays $1000 USD either through electronic payment or traditional banking. This amount corresponds to the negotiation and reception of detailed information, both graphical (photos) and technical of each selected equipment.He browses the system and checks ethe quotations that appear in the "Project of Purchase". As a result, the client can send messages to IMCMEXICO. requesting any aspect related to the quotation of the equipment and other aspects related to the management of his "Project of Purchase" such as: additional technical information, information of inspection, transfers, insurances, import, etc.
At the end of this phase, the client will obtain any of the following possibilities:
- Contact information of the foreign supplier
- Number one plus the inspection report of the equipment selected
- Number one and two, plus the shipment of the machine to the foreign border
- All of the above, plus the machine import and delivery in national border
- All of the above, plus the delivery of the machine to the client, whenever he is working.
We initiate the negotiation with the corresponding suppliers to obtain the best possible price for the client, until achieving a balance point that allows the acquisition of the equipment.
The company also pursues all the subsequent actions of transferring, importing and delivering the equipment requested. We check that the payment has been covered to proceed,
establishing the transaction terms. IMCMEXICO. contracts insurance and manages the hiring and transfer of the machine as well as the customs management and national transfer (when it applies). In an interactive form, IMCMEXICO. communicates to the client the state of his "Project of Purchase", assuring the timely delivery of the equipment until its final destiny.
IMCMEXICO. coordinates with the client and suppliers the commitments of payment of each one of the services related to the management of the "Project of Purchase". At the end of this phase, IMCMEXICO will provide to the client (upon request), these options:
- Contact information of the foreign supplier.
- Number one plus the inspection report of the equipment selected.
- Number one and two, plus the shipment of the machine to the foreign border.
- All of the above, plus the machine import and delivery in national border.
- All of the above, plus the delivery of the machine to the client, whenever he is working.
The costs and details appear at section Terms and Costs of the Process of Purchase of Machinery with IMCMEXICO
