Comprar en IMCMEXICO ahora es más simple y más barato, porque ya le apoya con el pago de su viaje de avión mediante nuestra Agencia de Viajes:
Seleccione su máquina y cotice usted mismo al instante en
Realice su apartado y reciba información complementaria de su máquina seleccionada.
Compre su boleto, IMCMEXICO le reembolsa el 50% de su viaje para que usted mismo visite la máquina en USA.
Pero, si prefiere que IMCMEXICO realice la inspección de la maquina, esta actividad no tendrá costo para usted.
Si decide adquirir su máquina, ésta le será entregada en 8 dÃas hábiles a cualquier lugar que nos indique.
La máquina que no encuentre en nuestro portal, se la conseguimos. Si la vió en otra parte, también se la traemos.
IMCMEXICO, es el mejor aliado de los constructores porque también contamos con apoyo y asesoría financiera.
Financial Support
If you require funding for purchase of machinery, IMCMEXICO supports and recommends with Bancomer and Banorte. The features and requirements for lines of credit are:
Simple Credit up to $ 4,000,000 MXN over a term of up to 36 months without Mortgage Guarantee or Revolving Credit through a Business Card for the same amount.
Statements of Account of a period of 12 months of ALL your banks.
To be a Bancomer Customer at least for 6 months ago and have two years having been constituted as Moral Person.
Simple Credit up to $ 4,000,000 MXN or $ 5,000,000 MXN without Mortgage Guarantee.
Term up to 36 months or 48 months for fixed assets.
Requirements for Physical or Moral Persons with Business Activity
First Filter:
Without problems in Credit Bureau (accredited and endorsement in its case).
That the person (physical or moral) count with an own or endorsement property whose value is equal to or greater than the amount requested.
Have more than 2 years having been constituted.
Second Filter:
Constitutive Act and amendments (in its case).
Registered with the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico - SHCP), Format R1 and R2
Tax Certificate or Federal Taxpayers Registration (Registro Federal de Contribuyentes - RFC)
Simple Annual Financial Statements (Income Statement and Balance Sheet 2024)
Copy of the Balance of your major accounts of 2023
Counter's Professional Certificate that develops.
List of top 5 clients and 5 suppliers, including name, address and phone number of the contacts.
List of 3 Banking References (Executive Name, Bank, Phone and Bank Account Number).
Copy of the last six months of your main accounts (only covers).
Official identification of the guarantee, the main shareholder and Legal Representative (IFE Credential).
Proof of address of the Company (Phone Bill, Light Receipt, Water Receipt, Property Tax Receipt).
Marriage Certificate of Guardians and the Guarantee (if applicable).
Public deed with the data from the Public Property Register of the Guarantee's property.
In case you have loans with other banks include copies of contracts.