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Retroexcavadoras Caterpillar 420E seminuevaRetroexcavadoras Caterpillar 420E seminueva

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Desired Machinery: Backhoe Loaders    /    Caterpillar    /    420E    /    1482194795676978
General Information
2,113 hrs.
Main Phone:
1 (989) 662 8448
Secondary Phone:
1 604 437 8830
(55) 5350-8566
Cell Phone:
(55) 1510-8955
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Retroexcavadoras Caterpillar 420E seminueva Ref.: 1482194795676978 No. 1
Machine in Hotlist
Retroexcavadoras Caterpillar 420E seminueva Ref.: 1482194795676978 No. 1
Retroexcavadoras Caterpillar 420E seminueva Ref.: 1482194795676978 No. 2
Retroexcavadoras Caterpillar 420E seminueva Ref.: 1482194795676978 No. 3
Retroexcavadoras Caterpillar 420E seminueva Ref.: 1482194795676978 No. 4
Location of the Machine
The Machine is Located at: Michigan, U.S.A.
Quote this machine to your destination
Sold Price: $ 62,370.00 USD
Contact IMCMEXICO for additional information of similar machinery. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Technical Specifications of the Machine
BUCKET-MP: 1.3 CYD. INSTRUCTIONS: ANSI. 4 wheel drive 4x4. D-C QUICK COUPLER. (NONE). BUCKET. AC. TIRES 4WD BIAS FIRESTONE. Podemos importar o trasladar maquinas de todo tipo a cualquier lugar. POWERTRAIN. STD SHIFT. SEAT BELT: 3 SUSPENSION. 1075 CW. HOE.. STABILIZER PADS: FLIP-OVER. 6 FCN. LNS. listo para el trabajo. STABILIZER GUARDS. OEP4: CAB. 93 HP. PLATE GROUP - BOOM WEAR.Muy buen equipo. CUTTING EDGE: TWO PIECE. XP5:E-STK
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