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Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6K de segunda mano a la ventaTractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6K de segunda mano a la venta

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Desired Machinery: Dozers/tracks    /    Caterpillar    /    D6K    /    1499113018134495
General Information
650 hrs.
Main Phone:
1 (989) 662 8448
Secondary Phone:
1 604 437 8830
(55) 5350-8566
Cell Phone:
(55) 1510-8955
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Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6K de segunda mano a la venta Ref.: 1499113018134495 No. 1
Machine in Hotlist
Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6K de segunda mano a la venta Ref.: 1499113018134495 No. 1
Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6K de segunda mano a la venta Ref.: 1499113018134495 No. 2
Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6K de segunda mano a la venta Ref.: 1499113018134495 No. 3
Tractores Sobre Orugas Caterpillar D6K de segunda mano a la venta Ref.: 1499113018134495 No. 4
Location of the Machine
The Machine is Located at: North Carolina, U.S.A.
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Sold Price: $ 175,725.00 USD
Contact IMCMEXICO for additional information of similar machinery. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Technical Specifications of the Machine
ULTRA LOW SULFUR DIESEL FUEL. DRAWBAR. listo para trabajar. Cabina cerrada. SWEEPS. Auxiliar hidraulico. HYD CONTROL. Aire acondicionado y calefaccion. Somos expertos en logistica. LIGHTING. Pala: PAT.Excelentes condiciones. STEER: JOYSTICK. D6K2 XL. Motor ENCLOSURES
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